The premise is located in the administrative building, located on the first line of houses along the Simferopol fare and the second line of houses along the Warsaw highway. The entrance is free, the parking is spontaneous in the alley. Two entrances. One, separate, from Simferopolsky lane and the second - the general. There is an agreed project for the installation of display windows. Inside there are no load-bearing walls, therefore, any redevelopment is possible, for any purpose - commercial, office, warehouse. At the moment, the room is used as an office, consisting of two separate blocks. The first one, 100 square meters. m., consists of 6 offices, a bathroom and a kitchen. The second, 80 square meters. m., consists of 4 rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. You can buy a separate 100 and 80 meter unit. Nearby residential district, convenient transport accessibility. No more than 20 minutes walk from the metro station Nakhimovsky Prospekt.
Moscow, Warsaw highway 56 building 2
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Total area (from and to) m2 180 m2
Furniture no
Lift -